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People v. Moore
State: Illinois
Court: 2nd District Appellate
Docket No: 2-95-0967
Case Date: 01/13/1998
                             No.  2--95--0967

                                  IN THE

                        APPELLATE COURT OF ILLINOIS

                              SECOND DISTRICT


THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE            ) Appeal from the Circuit Court
OF ILLINOIS,                       ) of Winnebago County.
          Plaintiff-Appellee,      ) No. 95--CF--347
v.                                 )
SHUNG A. MOORE,                    )
                                   ) Honorable
                                   ) Rosemary Collins,
          Defendant-Appellant.     ) Judge, Presiding.      

     JUSTICE HUTCHINSON delivered the opinion of the court:
     Defendant, Shung Moore, appeals his conviction of possession
with intent to deliver 1 to 15 grams of cocaine (720 ILCS 570/401
(West 1996)) and criminal fortification of a residence (720 ILCS
5/19--5 (West 1996)).  Defendant argues that the trial court erred
in denying his motion to suppress evidence and erred in committing
multiple instances of plain error.  Defendant further argues that
the State failed to prove him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of
possession of 1 to 15 grams of cocaine.  We affirm.
     Through various witnesses, the State presented testimony that
defendant was operating a crack house at 706

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