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Attorney Grievance v. Fitzgerald
State: Maryland
Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: 9ag/04
Case Date: 09/22/2004

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IN THE COURT OF AP PEALS OF MARYLAND Misc. D ocket AG No. 9 September Term 2004 In the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County, Case No. 02-C-04-097794 AG

v. * JUDITH LENORE FITZGERA LD Respondent * * *

Upon co nsideration of the Joint Petition for Disbarm ent by Con sent filed herein pursuant to Maryland Rule 16-772, it is this 22nd day of September, 2004,

ORDERED, by the Court of Appeals of Maryland, that Judith Lenore Fitzgerald be, and is hereby, disbarred by consent from the further practice of law in the State of Maryland; and it is fu rther ,

ORD ERED , that the Clerk of th is Court s hall strik e the na me of Ju dith Len ore Fitzgerald from the register of attorne ys, and pu rsuant to M aryland R ule 16-77 2(d) shall certify that to the Trustees of the Client Protection Fund and the Clerks of all judicial tribunals in this State.

/s/ Irma S. R aker Judge

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