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State: Montana
Court: Supreme Court
Docket No: 89-187
Case Date: 11/30/1989

A Minor.

APPEAL FROM: The District Court of the Thirteenth Judicial District,
In and for the County of Yellowstone,
The Honorable Russell K. Fillner, Judge Presidjnq.

COUNSEL OF RECORD: For Appellant: Joan E. Cook; Miller & Cook, Great Falls, Montana
For Respondent:
Virginia Bryan, Billings, Montana

Submitted on Briefs: October 13, 1989
Decided: November 30, 1989

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Justice R. C. McDonough delivered the Opinion of the Court.

J.M.S. (father) appeals the decree of the Thirteenth Judicial District Court, Yellowstone County, granting the adoption of his natural daughter, C.R.D. (daughter) by respondents J.E.D. and A.C .D. (qrandparents). The respondents are the maternal grandparents of the child and have been her legal guardians since 1985. In granting the petition, the District Court held that the father's consent to the adoption was not required because he failed to pay child support and had abandoned his daughter. We affirm the District Court's decree on the grounds that the appellant abandoned the child according to Montana law.
Appellant raises the following issues on appeal:

Did the District Court err in concluding that the
father's consent to the adoption was not required because he
had abandoned his daughter according to Montana law?

Did the District Court err in allowing evidence of
the child's best interests?

Did the District Court err when it concluded that
the father's consent to the adoption was not required because
he failed to pay for the support of his daughter?

Did the District Court err in concluding that the
grandparents, as appointed guardians, had the authority to
consent to their own adoption of the child?

Father and V.D. (mother) were married on January 2, 1981
in Billings, Montana. The mother was eight weeks pregnant
with the child at the time of the marriage. The couple lived
together as husband and wife for approximately two weeks
following the marriage, and separated on or about January 15,
1981. After the separation, the mother returned and resided
at the home of her parents, the petitioners, where she lived
when the daughter was born.

Mother filed for divorce on April 3rd, 1981. A decree
dissolving the marriage was entered on June 22, 1981. Mother
and father signed a Separation, Custody, Support, and
Property Settlement Agreement on December 14, 1982. The
agreement was incorporated into the decree of dissolution the
following August. It established mother as the custodial
parent of the child and obligated the father to pay $100.00
per month in child support. During the mother's pregnancy
and at no time since the birth of the child has the father

provided  financial assistance to either the mother  or  the  
The  father  was  jailed  on  November  15,  1983  in  the  

Yellowstone County Jail. He was later transferred to the
Montana State Prison at Deer Lodge where he currently
resides. Prior to this incarceration, he had two thirty
minute visits with his daughter in 1982, when she was
approximately nine months old. Both visits were conducted at
the business establishment of the petitioner's. There have
been no further personal visits between father and daughter
since 1982.

In May of 1984, the mother moved from her parent's home
to seek employment in another state. Not wanting to disrupt
her daughter's development, she consented to her parents
becoming the legal guardians of her daughter. The father was
served with the guardianship petition on February 15, 1985.
He failed to contest the action, and the petition was granted
by default on March 19, 1985.

On February 11, 1985, and October 27, 1986, the
grandparents received letters from the father. Neither
letter included support for the child. The grandparents have
never received any money from the father for his daughter's

The petitioners have been the sole providers of their

grandaughter's daily and medical needs since her birth.  The  
girl has become integrated into the petitioners' home.  She  
refers  to  the  petitioners'  as  her  parents  and  the  
petitioner's other children as her brothers and sisters.  She  

is also named as a beneficiary in the petitioners' will.

The father's mother, has visited with her qrandaughter
on five or six occasions totaling approximately 15 hours
during 1985. During these visits, the father had one or two
telephone visits with his daughter. There have been no
telephone visits since 1985 or visits with father's mother
since 1985. Father sent his daughter a Christmas card in
1987 and a birthday card in July 1988. No other
correspondence has taken place between father and his

On two occasions, prior to father's incarceration,
visitation had been arranged and the father failed to show up
at the designated time and place. No requests for visitation
with the child by either the father or the father's mother
have ever been denied.

Prior to his incarceration, appellant was employed as a
school bus driver from August 1980, to the fall of 1981; as
an air freight attendant from June to December, 1982 and as a
restaurant worker. He earned $16.00 per day as a bus driver,
$900.00 per month with the freight company, and minimum wage
at the restaurant. At the adoption hearing, he acknowledged
he has earned in excess of $2,000.00 while an inmate at
Montana State Prison. He testified that while incarcerated
he gave $20.00 to one of the petitioners' sons for his
daughter and opened up a savinqs account for her with hie
prison earnings. He has offered no documentary proof of
these or any other payment for his daughter's support.

At the hearing, the father testified that in 1985 he
began efforts to have the child's last name changed to his
because he was not recorded as the father on the birth
certificate. He testified that this change required the
consent of the mother which she refused to give. Father
filed a petition to change his daughter's surname to his own
on February 9, 1988. The grandparents filed this action for
adoption of the child on October 5, 1988. The mother has
consented to the adoption. The father has not consented and
has indicated his intentions to seek custody of his daughter
upon his release from prison. Father's petition to chanqe
his daughter's surname was denied and the petition for

adoption was granted on February 13, 1989. The natural
father now has appealed the adoption decree, raisin9 the
aforementioned issues.


Montana law generally requires the filing of written
consents in an adoption proceeding. Section 40-8-111 (11,

MCA. However, where a child has been willfully abandoned by a parent, that parent's consent is not required for the adoption. Section 40-8-11 1 a ( i, MCA. Abandoning a child is defined as:
. . . leaving him under circumstances that make reasonable the belief that the parent or other person does not intend to resume care of the child in the fut.ure or by willf.ully surrendering physical custody for aperiod of 6 months and during that period does not manifest to the child and the person having physical custody of the child a firm intention to resume physical custody or to make permanent legal arrangements for the care of the child. . . . (Emphasis added.)
Section 41-3-102 (3) (d) , MCA. Thus, a parent's rights may be terminated, and an adoption subsequently executed without that parent's consent upon a showing of abandonment under
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