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Patrick John Castillo v. The State of Texas--Appeal from 211th District Court of Denton County
State: Texas
Court: Criminal Court of Appeals
Docket No: 02-04-00541-CR
Case Date: 11/10/2005
Plaintiff: GLENN R. PETTY, JR.
Defendant: HOWARD MANAGEMENT SERVICES, L.P.--Appeal from 23rd District Court of Matagorda County
Preview:Victor Salazar v. The State of Texas--Appeal from 187th Judicial District Court of Bexar County
MEMORANDUM OPINION No. 04-03-00723-CR No. 04-03-00724-CR No. 04-03-00725-CR Victor SALAZAR, Appellant v. The STATE of Texas, Appellee From the 187th Judicial District Court, Bexar County, Texas Trial Court Nos. 2002-CR-7138-B, 2002-CR-7139-B, 2003-CR-0101 Honorable Raymond Angelini, Judge Presiding Opinion by: Sandee Bryan Marion, Justice Sitting: Paul W. Green, Justice Sandee Bryan Marion, Justice Phylis J. Speedlin, Justice Delivered and Filed: May 5, 2004 AFFIRMED A jury found defendant, Victor Salazar, guilty of aggravated kidnaping, aggravated robbery, and burglary of a habitation, and assessed punishment at confinement of thirty-nine years, thirty years, and twenty years respectively. Defendant's court-appointed appellate attorney filed a brief containing one arguable issue, which we interpret as a challenge to the factual sufficiency of the evidence, but concluding that this appeal is frivolous and without merit. See Anders v. California, 386 U.S. 738 (1967); High v. State, 573 S.W.2d 807 (Tex. Crim. App. 1978). Counsel's brief meets the requirements of Anders and he has provided appellant with a copy of the brief and advised her of her right to review the record and file a pro se brief. Appellant has not done so. Bruns v. State, 924 S.W.2d 176, 177 n.1 (Tex. App.--San Antonio 1996, no pet.). We have reviewed the record and counsel's brief. The evidence is factually sufficient to support the jury's verdict, and we agree that the appeal is frivolous and without merit. The judgments of the trial court are affirmed. Furthermore, we grant the motions to withdraw. Nichols v. State, 954 S.W.2d 83, 86 (Tex. App.--San Antonio 1997, no pet.); Bruns 924

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S.W.2d at 177, n.1. Sandee Bryan Marion, Justice DO NOT PUBLISH

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