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Michael Ives v. Coopertools
State: Wisconsin
Court: Supreme Court
Docket No: 1995AP000932
Case Date: 02/28/1997
Plaintiff: Michael Ives
Defendant: Coopertools
Case No.:                                                                     95-0932
Complete Title
of Case:                                                                      Michael Ives and Tammy Ives,
Rhinelander Paper Company Group Health
Plan for Hourly Employees Sponsored By
Rhinelander Paper, Company, Inc.,
Coopertools, a Division of Cooper Industries,
Inc., Alias Insurance Company No.  1, Cooper
Industries, Inc., Alias Insurance Company No.
2,  Berns Enterprises, Inc., d/b/a Rhinelander
Hardware, The Aetna Casualty & Surety
Company, McGraw-Edison Company and
Alias Insurance Company No.  4,
Reported at:                                                                  197  Wis.  2d  938,  541 N.W.2d  247
(Ct. App.  1995)
Opinion Filed:                                                                February  28,  1997
Submitted on Briefs:
Oral Argument:                                                                September  5,  1996
Source of APPEAL
COURT:                                                                        Circuit
COUNTY:                                                                       Oneida
JUDGE:                                                                        Robert E. Kinney
Concurred:                                                                    STEINMETZ, J., concurs  (opinion filed)
WILCOX and CROOKS, JJ., join
GESKE, J., concurs  (opinion filed)
Not Participating: BRADLEY, J., did not participate
ATTORNEYS:                                                                    For  the  plaintiff-appellant-petitioner  there  were
briefs  by  Matthew  E.  Yde  and  Ruder,  Ware  &  Michler,  S.C.,  Wausau
and oral argument by Matthew E. Yde.

For  the  plaintiffs-respondents  there  was  a  brief  by  D.J.  Weis
and  Habush,  Habush,  Davis  &  Rottier,  S.C.,  Rhinelander  and  oral
argument by D.J. Weis.
Amicus  curiae  brief  was  filed  by  Mark  L.  Thomsen  and  Cannon  &
Dunphy,   S.C.,   Brookfield   for   the   Wisconsin   Academy   of   Trial
Amicus  curiae  brief  was  filed  by  Terry  J.  Booth  and  Fellows,
Piper & Schmidt, Milwaukee for the Wisconsin Health Insurers.

This opinion is subject to further editing
and modification.  The final version will
appear in the bound volume of the official
No.  95-0932
STATE  OF  WISCONSIN                                                           :                                                                     IN  SUPREME  COURT
FEB 28, 1997
Marilyn L. Graves
Clerk of Supreme Court
RHINELANDER  PAPER  COMPANY,  INC.,                                            Madison, WI
REVIEW  of  a  decision  of  the  Court  of  Appeals.      Reversed  and
order  of  the  circuit  court  affirmed.
¶1    PER  CURIAM.    This  is  a  review  of  a  published  decision
of  the  court  of  appeals1,  vacating  the  order  of  the  Circuit  Court
for  Oneida  County,  Robert  E.  Kinney,  Judge.     The  question  in
this   case   is   whether   a   subrogated   insurer   is   entitled   to
reimbursement  on  its  lien  when  the  injured  plaintiffs  settle
with  the  alleged  tortfeasors  before  trial  for  an  amount  less
than  their  total  damages.      We  unanimously  conclude  that  the
1                                                                              Ives  v.  Coopertools,  197  Wis.  2d  937,  541  N.W.2d  247  (Ct.
App.  1995).

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court  of  appeals  erred  in  its  holding  that  there  must  be  a
determination  of  Michael  Ives'  contributory  negligence,  if  any,
before   the   question   of   reimbursement   to   Rhinelander   can   be
considered.     However,  we  are  evenly  divided  on  the  reasons  for
this  conclusion.
¶2    The  published  opinion  of  the  court  of  appeals  here
should  not  stand  when  we  unanimously  agree  that  it  does  not
state  the  law  in  Wisconsin.     The  court  in  State  v.  Gustafson,
121  Wis.                                                                      2d                                                                      459,                                                         462,        359  N.W.2d   920,  cert.  denied,   471  U.S.
1056  (1985),  affirmed  a  conviction  where  a  majority  of  the  court
concluded  there  was  prejudicial  error,  but  no  majority  agreed  on
a  particular  error.      There,  a  reversal  would  have  sent  the
matter  back  for  a  new  trial,  but  without  providing  adequate
guidance  to  the  circuit  court.     Id.  at                                 462,  citing  Will  of
McNaughton,                                                                    138  Wis.                                                               179,                                                         118  N.W.   997,          120  N.W.              288         (1909).
Here,  however,  we  are  in  agreement  as  to  the  proper  resolution
of  the  contributory  negligence  question.    Thus,  despite  our  even
division  on  the  rationale  for  our  decision,  we  affirm  the  order
of  the  circuit  court.
¶3    The  situation  at  hand  is  unlike  the  case  of  a  tie  vote
on  a  certification  or  bypass.    In  such  instance,  if  we  allow  the
circuit  court's  decision  to  stand  the  parties  have  in  effect
been  denied  a  full  appellate  review  and  opinion.      State  v.
Richard  Knutson,  Inc.,                                                       191  Wis.                                                               2d                                                           395,        396,          528  N.W.2d            430
(1995).                                                                                                                                                Here,  the  parties  have  had  the  opportunity  of  full
                                                                               review   by   both   this   court   and   the   court   of   appeals.                                                                                                                 Our
division  on  reasoning  simply  means  that  the  analyses  of  the  two
concurrences  have  no  precedential  value.    State  ex  rel.  Thompson
v.  Jackson,                                                                   199  Wis.                                                               2d                                                           714,        719,          546  N.W.2d            140         (1996)(citing

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State  v.  Elam,                                                              195  Wis.                                                          2d                              683,   685,          538  N.W.2d   249   (1995)(a
majority  of  justices  must  have  agreed  on  a  particular  point  for
it  to  be  considered  the  opinion  of  the  court).
¶4    Chief  Justice  Shirley  S.  Abrahamson,  Justice  William
A.  Bablitch  and  Justice  Janine  P.  Geske  would  vote  to  reaffirm
the  made  whole  rule  enunciated  in  Garrity  v.  Rural  Mutual  Ins.
Co.,                                                                          77  Wis.                                                           2d                              537,   253  N.W.2d   512                            (1977)  and  Rimes  v.  State
                                                                                                                                                 Farm  Mut.  Auto.  Ins.  Co.,                        106   Wis.    2d    263,       316   N.W.2d                    348
(1982),  but  would  overrule  Sorge  v.  National  Car  Rental  System,
Inc.,                                                                         182  Wis.                                                          2d                              52,    57,           512  N.W.2d   505   (1994).    This  rule
focuses  on  what  an  injured  plaintiff  has  lost,  and  not  on  what
an  injured  plaintiff  can  legally  receive.2     Justices  Donald  W.
Steinmetz,  Jon  P.  Wilcox  and  N.  Patrick  Crooks  would  conclude
that,  in  the  case  of  a  settlement  before  trial,  the  circuit
court  should  assess  the  subrogated  insurer's  rights  of  recovery
at  a  rate  equal  to  the  percentage  of  the  plaintiff's  recovery  in
relation  to  his  or  her  gross  damages.    Attorney's  fees  and  costs
may  be  handled  on  a  pro  rata  basis  as  well,  if  the  insurer  is
not  represented  by  counsel.3    Justice  Ann  Walsh  Bradley  did  not
¶5                                                                            By   the   Court.—For   the   reasons   set   forth,   the
decision  of  the  court  of  appeals  is  reversed,  and  the  order  of
2                                                                             See  attached  concurrence  written  by  Justice  Geske.    This
concurrence  also  sets  out  the  facts  of  this  case.
3                                                                             See  attached  concurrence  written  by  Justice  Steinmetz.

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the  circuit  court  denying  Rhinelander's  claim  for  reimbursement
is  affirmed.

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¶6    JANINE  P.  GESKE,  J.                                                     (concurring).     In  our  opinion,
Rhinelander  is  not  entitled  to  reimbursement  of  its  lien  because
the  circuit  court  determined  that  the  Iveses  were  not  made  whole
by  their  settlement  with  the  alleged  tortfeasors.4    We  start  with
a  recitation  of  the  facts  as  presented  to  us.
Facts  and  Procedural  History
¶7    In   November                                                              1989,   Michael   Ives   sustained   severe
injuries  when  he  fell  out  of  a  tree  after  his  homemade  deer
stand  collapsed.     Rhinelander  Paper  Company  Group  Health  Plan
for  Hourly  Employees  Sponsored  by  Rhinelander  Paper  Company,
Inc.                                                                             ("Rhinelander"),  paid                                                   $132,292  in  medical  expenses  Michael
incurred  because  of  the  accident.5    Michael  and  Tammy  Ives  sued
the  manufacturer  and  seller  of  a  double-end  snap  cap  Michael
used   to   hold   his   deer   stand   in   place,   and   also   named   the
insurers    of    the    manufacturer    and    seller                           (hereinafter,
collectively,  "the  defendants").     The  Iveses  alleged  that  the
double-end  snap  cap  failed,  causing  the  deer  stand  to  collapse.
Rhinelander  employed  counsel  to  participate  in  the  Iveses'
4                                                                                Chief  Justice  Shirley  S.  Abrahamson  and  Justice  William
A.  Bablitch  join  in  this  concurrence.
5                                                                                The  parties  make  no  claim  that  the  insurance  coverage
                                                                                 provided  by  Rhinelander  was  part  of  a  self-funded  ERISA  plan.
                                                                                 Subrogation  provisions  of  a  self-funded  ERISA  plan  trump  state
subrogation  rules.     FMC  Corp.  v.  Holliday,                                498  U.S.                                                                52,                                        58-65
(1990).                                                                          According  to  the  pleadings,  the  original  subrogated
plaintiff,  Employers  Insurance  Company,  sold  health  insurance
policies  for  a  premium,  and  had  issued  a  policy  to  Michael  and
Tammy   Ives,   pursuant   to   which   it   may   have   made   payment   of
medical  bills  relating  to  the  accident.

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suit   and   to   prosecute   its   subrogation   claim   for   payment   of
Michael's  medical  expenses.6
¶8    Approximately   one   week   before   trial,   the   Iveses
entered  into  a  settlement  with  the  defendants.     The  defendants
paid                                                                                                                                         $261,250   to   fully   settle   the                                                                                                                      $1.5   million   claim   that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          included    the    past    medical    expenses    previously    paid    by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Rhinelander.     This  settlement  extinguished  Rhinelander's  claim
                                                                                                                                             against  the  defendants.     Schulte  v.  Frazin,                                                                                                        176  Wis.                         2d   622,
634-35,                                                                        500  N.W.2d                                                   305                                                                          (1993).                                                                      The  Iveses  then  requested  a
post-settlement  subrogation  hearing7  to  determine  their  potential
liability,   if   any,   to   Rhinelander   out   of   the   settlement
proceeds.                                                                      For   purposes   of   the   post-settlement   subrogation
hearing,  the  Iveses  and  Rhinelander  stipulated  to  the  following
1.                                                                             Plaintiffs'  total  damages  as  a  result  of  injuries
                                                                               to  Plaintiff  MICHAEL  IVES  following  his  fall  from  a
deer  stand  on  or  about  November                                           10,                                                           1989,  are                                                                   1.5
million  dollars.
2.                                                                             That  the  defendants'  payment  of                           $261,250.00  in
full  settlement  of  all  personal  injury  and  property
damage  claims  arising  out  of  Plaintiff  MICHAEL  IVES'
fall  from  a  deer  stand  on  or  about  November  10,  1989,
is  full-value  for  the  Plaintiffs'  claims  based  on  the
following  factors:
a.    Liability  difficulties;  and
6                                                                                                                                            In  this  case,  counsel  agreed  at  oral  argument  that  this
                                                                                                                                             is  a  claim  for  contractual  subrogation.     The  insurance  policy
                                                                                                                                             under  which  Rhinelander  makes  its  claim,  however,  is  not  part  of
                                                                               the  record  before  this  court.
7                                                                                                                                            Following  the  decision  in  Rimes  v.  State  Farm  Mut.  Auto.
Ins.  Co.,                                                                     106  Wis.  2d                                                 263,  316  N.W.2d                                                            348  (1982),  this  type  of
post-settlement  subrogation  hearing  came  to  be  known  as  a  "Rimes

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b.    Uncertainty  of  successor  corporate  liability  on
the  Coopertools  defendants.
3.                                                                            That    due    to    liability    problems    and    the
                                                                              uncertainty   of   successor   corporate   liability,   the
Plaintiffs   accepted                                                                                                                               17.42   percent   of   their   total
                                                                              damages   arising   out   of   the   November                         10,                                    1989,
4.                                                                            That  Plaintiffs'  decision  to  accept  17.42  percent
of  their  total  damages  was  not  based  on  insufficient
insurance  coverage  or  the  unavailability  of  funds  on
the  part  of  the  defendants  to  satisfy  a                                1.5  million
dollar  judgment.
5.                                                                            That    Rhinelander    has    paid    medical    expenses
($128,487.40)   and   accident   and   sickness   benefits
($3,804.60)  relating  to  this  accident  in  the  amount  of
¶9    Relying  upon  this  court's  decision  in  Rimes,                      106  Wis.
2d                                                                            263,  the  circuit  court  held  that  the  Iveses  were  not  made
whole.     The  court  considered  the  stipulated  facts,  and  found
that  the  settlement  did  not  compensate  the  Iveses  for  their
entire  actual  loss.     Further,  the  circuit  court  concluded  that
the  equities  of  the  case  favored  the  Iveses.    Thus,  Rhinelander
was  not  entitled  to  reimbursement  of  its  subrogated  lien.
¶10   The  court  of  appeals  vacated  the  order  of  the  circuit
court.  Relying  upon  Sorge  v.  National  Car  Rental  System,  Inc.,
182  Wis.                                                                     2d                                                                    52,                                    512  N.W.2d   505   (1994),  the  court  of  appeals
remanded   for   a   determination   of   Michael   Ives'   percentage   of
contributory  negligence.      Because  the  Iveses  stipulated  that
they  received  17.42  percent  of  their  damages  in  the  settlement,
the  appellate  court  calculated  that  the  settlement  would  make
the  Iveses  whole  only  if  Michael  was                                    82.58  percent  or  greater
contributorily   negligent.                                                   The   court   of   appeals   further
concluded  that  Rhinelander  had  a  right  of  priority  in  any  money

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collected   over   the   amount   of   the   Iveses'   total   damages,
discounted    for    the    percentage    of    Michael's    contributory
negligence,  up  to  the  amount  of  benefits  paid.     The  court  held
that   a   settlement   discounted   for   factors   other   than   the
plaintiff's  contributory  negligence  does  not  make  the  insured
whole.    Finally,  the  court  of  appeals  held  that  the  Wis.  Stat.  §
895.045                                                                        (1989-90)  bar  to  recovery  in  negligence  actions  has  no
application   to   the   equitable   resolution   of   a   subrogation
Standard  of  Review
¶11   In  this  case  we  are  asked  to  determine  the  rights  of
the  insured  and  the  subrogated  insurer  when  the  insured  has
settled  with  the  defendants  without  involving  the  subrogated
insurer.     This  case  presents  a  question  of  law  that  we  decide
without  deference  to  the  lower  courts.     Schulte  v.  Frazin,           176
Wis.  2d  622,  628,  500  N.W.2d  305  (1993).    In  doing  so,  we  apply
principles  of  equity  to  the  facts  before  us.    Beacon  Bowl,  Inc.
v.  Wisconsin  Electric  Power  Co.,                                           176   Wis.                                                       2d   740,   776,   501
N.W.2d  788  (1993).
8                                                                              Wis.  Stat.  §  895.045  (1989-90)  provides:
Contributory  negligence.    Contributory  negligence
shall  not  bar  recovery  in  an  action  by  any  person  or
his   legal   representative   to   recover   damages   for
negligence  resulting  in  death  or  in  injury  to  person
or  property,  if  such  negligence  was  not  greater  than
the  negligence  of  the  person  against  whom  recovery  is
sought,  but  any  damages  allowed  shall  be  diminished  in
the    proportion    to    the    amount    of    negligence
attributable  to  the  person  recovering.
All  further  references  are  to  the                                         1989-90  statutes  unless
otherwise  noted.

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Arguments  of  the  Parties
¶12   Rhinelander  asserts  that  the  Iveses  have  been  made
more  than  whole  by  their  settlement  with  the  tortfeasors.     The
Iveses  settled  for  an  amount  equaling                                    17.42  percent  of  their
stipulated  total  damages  of                                                $1.5  million.     According  to  their
stipulation,  the  settlement  of                                             $261,250.00  was  full-value9  and
compensated  the  Iveses  for  their  personal  injury  and  property
damage  claims  arising  out  of  Michael  Ives'  fall.     In  light  of
that,  Rhinelander  proposes  a  formula  whereby  it  would  receive  in
reimbursement                                                                 17.42   percent   of   its   lien.                                    Such   a   formula
incorporates  the  percentage  of  the  stipulated  total  damages  that
the  Iveses  received.     Under  Rhinelander's  theory  this  formula
would   prevent   a   double   recovery   of   that   percentage   by   the
Iveses.                                                                       Rhinelander   alternatively   argues   for   a   full-blown
evidentiary  determination  of  contributory  negligence.
¶13   Rhinelander  asserts  that  the  Iveses  have  been  more
than   made   whole,   in   fact,   that   their   recovery   has   greatly
exceeded  the  amount  of  damages  they  were  legally  entitled  to
recover.    Rhinelander's  assertion  is  premised  on  the  assumption
that,  had  there  been  an  actual  trial,     Michael  Ives  would  have
been  found  at  least  50%  negligent.    This  is  only  an  assumption,
however,  because  at  the  Rimes  hearing  in  this  case  the  circuit
9                                                                             This  court  is  not  called  upon  by  the  parties  to  interpret
the  meaning  of  "full-value"  as  used  in  their  stipulation.  The
circuit  court  also  refused  to  interpret  that  term.  For  purposes
of  this  concurrence,  we  read  the  terms  of  the  entire  stipulation
to  recognize  that  the  plaintiffs  and  alleged  tortfeasors  decided
to  settle  all  of  the  plaintiffs'  claims  for  damages  arising  from
this  accident,  rather  than  assume  the  risks  facing  each  of  them
at  a  trial.

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court  did  not  make  a  specific  finding  as  to  liability.    Without
hearing  any  evidence,  Judge  Kinney  merely  remarked  that  the  most
likely  result  would  be  a  jury  finding  that  the  incident  here  was
a  "pure  accident."     Judge  Kinney  also  acknowledged  that  this
remark  was  speculation  on  his  part.
¶14   The  Iveses  contend  that  the  pre-trial  release  they
executed  does  not  make  them  whole  because  it  does  not  compensate
them  for  all  of  the  elements  of  their  damages  under  Rimes.    They
seek  to  distinguish  the  settlement  agreement  and  stipulation
they  entered  into  here  from  the  agreement  and  stipulation  in  an
earlier  subrogation  case,  Sorge,                                            182  Wis.   2d   52.   There  the
plaintiff  acknowledged  that  the  settlement  amount,  which  took
into  account  a  deduction  for  her  contributory  negligence,  was
all  that  she  was  legally  entitled  to  receive.    The  Iveses  agree,
based  on  Sorge,  that  when  a  settling  plaintiff  receives  all  that
he  or  she  is  legally  entitled  to  receive,  the  plaintiff  meets
the  made  whole  test  of  Rimes.
¶15   Finally,  the  Iveses  ask  this  court  to  conclude  that
the  circuit  court  here  did  all  that  it  needed  to  decide  the  made
whole  question.    The  court  relied  on  the  stipulation  between  the
parties  and  "on  its  knowledge  of  the  evidentiary  facts  derived
from  having  done  extensive  work  on  the  file  prior  to  the  Rimes
hearing,"  weighed  the  equities,  and  then  held  that  the  Iveses
had  not  been  made  whole.    Respondents'  brief  at  5.
Purpose  and  History  of  Subrogation
¶16   Our  analysis  leads  us  to  believe  that  the  made  whole
doctrine  should  be  reaffirmed.      As  part  of  our  analysis  we

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review  the  development  of  the  subrogation  doctrine.    Subrogation
has  its  genesis  in  the  principle  of  indemnity.     Although  an
insured  is  entitled  to  indemnity  from  its  insurer  pursuant  to
coverage  provided  under  a  policy  of  insurance,  the  insured  is
entitled   only   to   be   made   whole,   not   more   than   whole.
Subrogation  prevents  an  insured  from  obtaining  one  recovery  from
the   insurer   under   its   contractual   obligations   and   a   second
recovery  from  the  tortfeasor  under  general  tort  principles.    The
subrogation  doctrine  also  advances  an  important  policy  rationale
underlying  the  tort  system.      It  forces  a  wrongdoer  who  has
caused  a  loss  to  bear  the  burden  of  reimbursing  the  insurer  for
indemnity   payments   made   to   its   insured   as   a   result   of   the
wrongdoer's   acts   and   omissions.                                           See   Elaine   M.   Rinaldi,
Apportionment   of   Recovery   Between   Insured   and   Insurer   in   a
Subrogation  Case,  29  Tort.  &  Ins.  L.J.  803  (1994).
¶17   Another  author  traces  the  development  of  subrogation
from  cases  involving  the  liability  of  a  surety.     Harriette  R.
Flinn,  Subrogation                                                             -  Insured  Must  Be  Paid  In  Full  For  Loss
Before  Insurer  Is  Entitled  To  Subrogation  Against  Tortfeasor,  10
Mem.  St.  U.  L.  Rev.                                                         161,                                              162-63  (1979).    Where  an  insurer  pays
its  full  obligation  under  the  policy,  but  that  amount  is  less
than   the   insured's   entire   loss,   the   insurer's   liability   is
nonetheless  limited  by  the  policy  amount.     Id.     The  question
then  arose  whether  the  common  law  which  developed  to  protect
creditors  in  a  surety  situation  should  apply  to  the  situation
where  the  insurer  has  already  paid  in  full  compliance  with  his
policy  but  the  insured's  loss  exceeds  the  insurance  payment.    In

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the   absence   of   an   express   agreement   to   the   contrary,   the
traditional  rule  has  been  that  the  common  law  rule  prevails  and
the  insurer  has  no  subrogation  rights  until  the  insured  is  made
whole,  that  is,  until  the  insured  has  been  compensated  for  the
entire  loss  sustained.     Author  Flinn  also  noted,  however,  that
it   has   become   standard   practice   for   indemnity   contracts   to
contain  express  provisions  subrogating  the  insurer  who  has  paid
a  claim  to  all  of  the  rights  of  the  insured  against  a  wrongdoer.
¶18   In  1977,  this  court  held  that  a  subrogation  clause  in
an  indemnity  insurance  contract  did  not  change  the  common  law
rule  that  a  subrogated  insurer  has  no  right  to  share  in  the
funds  recovered  from  the  tortfeasor  until  the  insured  is  made
whole.    Garrity  v.  Rural  Mutual  Ins.  Co.,                                 77  Wis.  2d            537,                                    546-
47.  The  insureds  suffered  a  fire  loss  to  their  dairy  barn  and
other  property,  for  which  they  were  paid  the  limits  under  their
Rural  Mutual  fire  insurance  policy.     Id.  at                              539.     The  parties
stipulated   that   the   insureds'   total   loss   exceeded   the   fire
policy  limits.    Id.    In  other  words,  the  Garritys  were  not  made
whole.    Id.  at  543.    The  Garritys  then  sued  the  owners  of  a  feed
mill,  alleging  that  negligent  operation  of  a  feed  truck  caused
the  fire.      Id.  at                                                          539.                    The  alleged  tortfeasors  were  also
insured   by   Rural   Mutual   for   liability   coverage   limits   of
$25,000.    Id.
¶19   The   Garritys   executed   a   subrogation   receipt   under
their  fire  policy  granting  to  Rural  Mutual  a  right  of  recovery
against  any  party  found  liable  for  their  loss.     Because  Rural

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Mutual   also   insured   the   alleged   tortfeasors,   it   sought   a
declaration  of  its  rights  of  subrogation  against  itself.    Id.  at
¶20   The  circuit  court  entered  an  interlocutory  judgment
granting  Rural  Mutual  the  right  of  priority  in  any  recovery  of
money  from  defendants  or  their  insurer,  up  to  the  amount  paid
under  the  fire  policy.     Id.  at                                          540.     Under  that  ruling,  Rural
Mutual  would  not  have  had  to  pay  any  more  money  to  plaintiffs
even  if  its  insured  tortfeasors  were  found  negligent.    Id.
¶21   This  court  disagreed  with  the  circuit  court  ruling
which  incorrectly  gave  the  contractual  language  primacy  over  the
common  law  rule  that  an  insured  must  be  made  whole  before  the
insurer  may  recover  from  the  tortfeasor.    Id.  at  541.    The  court
focused   on   the   distinction   between   the   right   of   recovery
provided   in   the   subrogation   clause   and   the   common   law   rule
dictating  priority  of  payment  to  an  insured  who  has  not  been
made  whole.     Id.  at                                                       544-46.     In  Garrity,  the  court  relied  upon
the  following  rationale  for  the  made  whole  rule:  "[t]he  owner  of
the  policy  should  be  first  to  make  good  his  own  loss;  where
either  the  insurer  or  the  insured  must  to  some  extent  go  unpaid,
the  loss  should  be  borne  by  the  insurer  for  that  is  a  risk  the

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insured  has  paid  it  to  assume.”    Id.  at  542.10    In  other  words,
the  insurer  has  no  right  of  reimbursement  against  the  insured
where  the  total  compensation  received  by  the  insured  is  less
than  his  loss.    Id.  at  543.    Garrity  involved  only  a  claim  for
property  damage.
¶22   As   the   Garrity   decision   demonstrates,   subrogation
rights   are   common   under   policies   of   property   or   casualty
insurance,  wherein  the  insured  sustains  a  fixed  financial  loss
and   the   purpose   is   to   place   that   loss   ultimately   upon   the
wrongdoer.                                                                      3  Appleman,  Insurance  Law  and  Practice  s                                                            1675,  at
495                                                                             (1967).     The  more  recent  disputes  concerning  the  propriety
                                                                                of  subrogation  reimbursement  have  occurred  in  cases  of  personal
                                                                                injury.    In  Rimes,  this  court  reviewed  a  procedure  applying  the
10                                                                              Although  Justice  Steinmetz'  concurrence  criticizes  an
                                                                                alleged  reliance  on  Essock  v.  Mawhinney,                               3   Wis.   2d                 258,                                   88
N.W.2d  659  (1958)  for  the  made  whole  theory  in  Garrity  v.  Rural
                                                                                Mut.  Ins.  Co.,                                                            77  Wis.   2d                 537,                                                                                                                  253  N.W.2d                                          512    (1977),  neither
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Garrity  nor  Rimes  v.  State  Farm  Mut.  Auto.  Ins.  Co.,  106  Wis.  2d
263,                                                                            316  N.W.2d                                                                 348                                                                                                                                                 (1982)  even  cite  to  Essock.     Essock  stands
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 for  the  proposition  that  mere  uncertainty  as  to  the  amount  of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 damages  does  not  preclude  a  right  of  recovery.    See,  e.g.,  Hein
                                                                                v.  Torgerson,                                                              58  Wis.   2d                 9,                                     18-19,                                                                         205  N.W.2d                                          408    (1973);  Hope
                                                                                Acres,  Inc.  v.  Harris,                                                                                 27  Wis.                               2d                                                                             285,                                                 298,   134  N.W.2d        462
Justice   Steinmetz'   concurrence   is   also   critical   of   the
Garrity   court's   failure   to   rely   on   Wisconsin   precedent   in
adopting  the  made  whole  theory.    The  issue  in  Garrity  was  one  of
first  impression  in  Wisconsin.     Any  time  there  is  a  case  of
first   impression,   we   look   to   other   state   jurisdictions   and
treatises  for  guidance.     At  the  time  the  Garrity  decision  was
published   it   was   consistent   with   the   rule   in   several   other
states  and  with  the  interpretations  of  commentators  such  as             4
Williston  on  Contracts,  sec.  1269  (Third  ed.  1967)  and  Couch  on
Insurance,  sec.  61.61  (2d  ed.  1968).    For  the  past  twenty  years,
Garrity  has  been  precedent  in  this  state.    Many  cases,  including
the  decision  in  Sorge  v.  National  Car  Rental  System,  Inc.,             182
Wis.  2d                                                                        52,                                                                         62,        512  N.W.2d  505   (1994),  have  cited  to  or  relied
upon  Garrity.

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made  whole  inquiry  to  a  personal  injury  case.                           106  Wis.  2d  263.
There  the  majority  reluctantly  approved  the  circuit  court's  use
of  a  post-settlement  evidentiary  "mini-trial"  to  determine  the
plaintiffs'   total   amount   of   damages   and   apportionment   of
negligence  between  plaintiff  and  tortfeasors.    Id.  at  276-79.
¶23   In  Rimes,  the  plaintiff  was  injured  in  an  automobile
accident  involving  three  other  vehicles.      Id.  at                      265.                                    The
plaintiff   ultimately   dismissed   one   of   the   defendants   with
prejudice,  and  on  the  second  day  of  trial  accepted  settlement
from  the  insurers  of  the  remaining  vehicle  owners.    Id.  at  266-
67.                                                                            The  settlement  included  the          $50,000  policy  limits  of  one
policy,  and  $75,000  out  of  a  total  $300,000  limit  from  the  other
policy.    Id.  at  267.
¶24   The   plaintiffs   and   their   subrogated   insurer   then
agreed   to   seek   a   "trial"   concerning   the   insurer's   claim   to
reimbursement  for  medical  payments  previously  made  on  behalf  of
the  injured  plaintiff.     Id.  at                                           267.     The  circuit  court  held  a
two-day   hearing,   found   no   contributory   negligence   and   found
total  damages  of  over                                                       $300,000.                               Id.  at                            268-69.     The  circuit
court  held  that  only  the  amount  of  total  damages  would  make  the
plaintiffs  whole.    Because  the  settlement  amount  fell  far  short,
the  subrogated  insurer  was  not  entitled  to  reimbursement.     Id.
at  269.
¶25   On  appeal,  the  insurer  asserted  that  the  plaintiffs'
voluntary   settlement   and   release   in   Rimes   was   the   legal
equivalent   of   being   made   whole.                                                                                This   court   disagreed   for
several  reasons.     Id.  at                                                  273.                                    There  was  no  evidence  of  an

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acknowledgment   by   the   plaintiffs   that   the   settlement   during
trial  had  made  them  whole.    Id.  at  267-68,  273.    No  recital  in
the   plaintiffs'   stipulation   evidenced   an   acknowledgment   of
wholeness.     Id.  at                                                        273.     The  court  particularly  noted  that  the
plaintiffs,  in  their  general  release,  set  aside  an  escrow  fund
in  the  amount  of  the  insurer's  subrogated  claim.     That  escrow
fund   indicated   to   us   that   the   plaintiffs   did   not   consider
themselves  whole.     Id.     The  court  therefore  refused  to  assume
that  the  grantor  of  a  release  acknowledged  full  reimbursement
for   the   wrong   done.                                                     Id.                                                               By   their   settlement   with   the
tortfeasors,  the  Rimes  plaintiffs  gave  up  their  right  of  action
against  the  defendants  for  consideration  that  may  or  may  not
have  made  them  whole.    Id.
¶26   Only  where  an  injured  party  has  received  an  award  by
judgment  or  otherwise  that  pays  for  all  of  his  or  her  elements
of  damages,  including  those  for  which  the  insured  has  already
been  indemnified  by  an  insurer,  is  there  a  right  to  subrogation
reimbursement.     Id.  at                                                    275.11                                                            In  light  of  the  facts  in  Rimes,
and  in  accordance  with  the  general  principles  of  subrogation
stated  in  Garrity,  this  court  concluded  that  the  settlement  in
Rimes  did  not  make  the  plaintiffs  whole.    Id.  at  276.
11                                                                            The  made  whole  rule  of  Rimes  v.  State  Farm  Mut.  Auto.
Ins.  Co.,  106  Wis.  2d  263,  316  N.W.2d  348  (1982)  has  become  the
default  federal  common  law  rule  in  the  Seventh  Circuit  where  an
employee   benefit   plan   fails   to   designate   priority   rules   or
provide  its  fiduciaries  the  discretion  necessary  to  construe  the
plan  accordingly.    Schultz  v.  Nepco  Employees  Mut.  Benefit,  190
Wis.                                                                          2d                                                                742,                                    751-52,  nn.9-10,   528  N.W.2d        441   (Ct.  App.   1994),
                                                                                                                                                citing   Sanders   v.   Scheideler,                         816   F.   Supp.         1338         (W.D.   Wis.
1993),  aff'd  by  unpublished  order,  25  F.3d  1053  (7th  Cir.  1994).

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¶27   Four  years  later,  this  court  cautioned  that  the  made
whole  principle  of  Rimes  and  Garrity  was  not  absolute.  Vogt  v.
Schroeder,                                                                     129  Wis.                                                      2d                                                          3,     16-17,   383  N.W.2d         876   (1986).     There
we  were  asked,  prior  to  a  trial,  to  balance  the  equities  between
an   underinsurer   who   had   paid   benefits   and   an   underinsured
tortfeasor  who  had  not  paid  for  the  damages  he  caused.    Id.  at
17.     In  doing  so,  the  court  recognized  the  equitable  principle
derived  from  Garrity  that  "the  wrongdoer  should  be  responsible
for  his  conduct  and  not  be  allowed  to  go  scot-free  by  failing  to
respond  in  damages  while  another,  an  indemnitor  for  the  injured
party,  is  required  to  do  so."    Id.  at  13.    The  court  concluded
that  once  the  injured  plaintiff's  underinsurance  carrier  paid  at
least   the   maximum   amount   obtainable   from   the   underinsured
motorist's  carrier,  the  underinsurer  could  assert  a  subrogation
reimbursement   claim   against   the   tortfeasor's   insurer.                The
outcome  in  Vogt  was  based  on  this  court's  policy  of  promoting
prompt  settlement,  and  served  to  put  the  burden  of  final  payment
on  the  tortfeasor  for  the  amount  in  excess  of  his  coverage.    Id.
at                                                                             19.                                                            Under  Vogt,  a  plaintiff  can  take  advantage  of  the
defendant's  settlement  offer  and  an  underinsurer  can  protect  its
right  to  subrogation  reimbursement.    Id.  at  23.
¶28   In                                                                       1993  the  court  considered  a  claim  for  subrogation
where   the   insurer   sought   subrogation   recovery   against   the
tortfeasor  regardless  of  the  answer  to  the  made  whole  inquiry.
Schulte  v.  Frazin,                                                           176   Wis.                                                     2d                                                          622,   628.     In  Schulte,  the
                                                                               injured   plaintiffs   and   defendants   entered   into   a                                                                               $2,460,000
                                                                               settlement  of  a  medical  malpractice  claim.  Id.  at                                                                                   626.                The

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settlement  agreement  did  not  provide  for  any  payment  to  the
subrogated  carrier.     Id.     The  settlement  agreement  did  provide
that   the   plaintiffs   would   indemnify   the   defendants   for   any
liability   arising   out   of   the   incident.                               Id.   at        626-27.
Application   of   the   subrogation   principle   depended   upon   the
equities,  and  thus  upon  the  facts  at  hand.     Id.  at                  631.     This
court   also   recognized   that   any   determination   of   rights   to
subrogation     reimbursement     must     consider     the     realistic
competition  between  an  insured  and  the  subrogated  insurer  for
limited  settlement  funds.    Id.  at  633.
¶29   The  ultimate  holding  in  Schulte  reiterated  the  Rimes
rule  and  affirmed  the  need  for  a  made  whole  inquiry.     However,
we  also  concluded  in  Schulte  that  where  the  plaintiffs  settled
with  defendants,  indemnified  the  tortfeasors  and  moved  for  a
subrogation  hearing,  the  plaintiffs  not  only  extinguished  their
claim   against   the   tortfeasors   but   also   extinguished   the
subrogated  insurer's  claim  against  the  tortfeasors.                       176  Wis.  2d
at  634-35.
¶30   Not   long   after   Schulte   this   court   confronted   the
effect  of  contributory  negligence  on  the  made  whole  inquiry.
Sorge,  182  Wis.  2d  52.    There,  the  parties  asked  us  to  determine
whether  an  insurer  had  a  right  to  subrogation  reimbursement  when
the  plaintiff  settled  before  trial.     Unlike  the  plaintiff  in
Rimes,   however,   the   Sorge   plaintiff   admitted   contributory
negligence.                                                                    Id.   at        55.       She   settled   for   what   she   later
stipulated  would  have  been  her  recovery  following  a  jury  trial.
Id.  at  55-56.

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¶31   It  is  clear  that  the  Sorge  case  was  brought  to  this
court  based  on  stipulated  facts,  and  not  following  a  trial  or
the  traditional  Rimes  hearing.     In  our  view,  it  is  unfortunate
that  the  Sorge  stipulation  did  not  provide  us  with  the  usual
facts  necessary  for  a  made  whole  determination.    The  stipulation
did  not  identify  the  amount  of  the  plaintiff's  total  damages,
that  is,  the  amount  that  would  have  made  her  whole  under  Rimes
and  Garrity.     Alternatively,  the  stipulation  did  not  identify
the   particular   percentage   of   plaintiff   Sorge's   negligence.
Sorge's  attorney  represented  that  the  stipulation  did,  however,
provide  that  "Ms.  Sorge  settled  the  case  for  an  amount  less  than
the  total  damages  that  she  had,  minus  the  total  amount  of  the
subrogated                                                                      -  the  subrogated  carrier's  liens,  but  in  an  amount
which  would  have  been  equal  to  what  she  would  have  received  from
a  jury  after  a  reasonable  deduction  for                                   -  for  her  contributory
negligence."    Brief  for  Petitioner  at  App.  F-4,  Sorge,  182  Wis.
2d  52.12
12                                                                              There  appears  to  be  confusion  in  the  Sorge  record  as  to
what  damages  the  settlement  amount  included.     The  attorney  for
the  subrogated  insurer  claimed  at  the  same  hearing  at  which  the
plaintiff's   attorney   recited   the   stipulation,   that   "[t]he
medical   expenses   were   paid   on   her   behalf   by   the   medical
providers,  and  then  she  received  a  settlement  which  included  in
it  the  medical  expenses  again.     She's  paid  twice.     Rimes  wants
to  avoid  that."     Brief  for  Petitioner  at  App.  F-9.     Attorney
Stingl  later  argued,  "Judge,  I  don't  think  the  reduction                -  I
don't   think   there's   any   stipulation   anyplace   that   said   the
reduction  is  because  of  the  medical  expenses.                             .  What  was
said  was  the  reduction  was  for  her  own  negligence."     Brief  for
Petitioner  at  App.  F-12,  Sorge  v.  National  Car  Rental  System,
Inc.,  182  Wis.  2d  52,  512  N.W.2d  505  (1994).    It  does  not  appear
from  the  Sorge  record  that  this  dispute  was  ever  resolved.

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¶32   Although  the  Rimes  and  Garrity  decisions  did  not  apply
the  made  whole  doctrine  to  a  contributorily  negligent  injured
person,  in  Sorge  this  court  tried  to  satisfy  the  underlying
policies  behind  both  the  doctrine  of  subrogation  reimbursement
and  the  made  whole  rule  of  those  earlier  cases.    Sorge  said  that
a  contributorily  negligent  injured  person  is  made  whole  such
that  her  insurers  may  assert  their  reimbursement  rights  when  the
insured  has  been  compensated  for  all  of  her  losses  less  the
amount  corresponding  to  her  contributory  negligence.    Sorge,  182
Wis.  2d  at  58,  62.
¶33   This   court   ultimately   concluded   in   Sorge   that   an
injured   plaintiff   who   is   at   most                                     50   percent   negligent   must
reimburse  the  insurance  company  for  the  share  of  the  medical
bills   it   paid   corresponding   to   the   tortfeasor's   share   of
negligence.                                                                    Id.   at                                                               61-63.   As   we   now   read   Sorge,   that
conclusion  would  lead  to  the  following  result:  for  example,  if  a
jury   finds   a   plaintiff   to   be                                         10   percent   contributorily
negligent,  the  plaintiff's  net  award  is  90  percent  of  his  or  her
awarded  damages.    Likewise,  the  subrogated  insurer  would  recover
90  percent  of  the  subrogated  medical  expenses  rather  than  the
full                                                                           100  percent.     The  Sorge  court  wrote  that  if  no  subrogated
amounts  were  to  be  paid  back  until  the  insured  had  received  100
percent  of  his  or  her  total  damages,  a  plaintiff  who  conceded
contributory  negligence  would  never  have  to  repay  any  subrogated

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medical  expenses.13    Id.  at  60.    We  now  are  of  the  opinion  that
our  conclusion  in  Sorge  was  erroneous.
The  Made  Whole  Inquiry  Today
¶34   We  recognize  that,  in  light  of  our  decision  in  Sorge,
the  court  of  appeals  below  took  a  logical  step  by  remanding  for
a   determination   of   Michael   Ives'   contributory   negligence.
Although  not  explicitly  directed  by  the  court  of  appeals,  the
circuit  court  would  necessarily  have  to  determine  the  negligence
of  all  of  the  alleged  tortfeasors.     The  court  of  appeals  also
was  compelled  to  rule  on  the  applicability  of  the  contributory
negligence  bar  as  contained  in  Wis.  Stat.  §  895.045.  The  Iveses'
attorney  vividly  described  the  possible  outcomes,  based  on  prior
case  law:
In   this   case,   under   the   Court   of   Appeals   ruling,
Michael  Ives'(sic)  is  made  whole  if  he  is  found  to  be  82.58
percent  or  greater  contributorily  negligent.     So,  at  the
"mini-trial,"   Rhinelander   must   focus   on   Michael   Ives'
contributory  negligence  and  get  a  ruling  of  at  least  82.58
percent  of  contributory  negligence  from  the  trial  court  in
order  to  recover  at  all.     If  the  trial  court  reaches  that
magic  number,  then  Rhinelander  recovers.     Under  the  Court
13                                                                             Justice  Steinmetz'  concurrence  incorrectly  asserts  that
the   Wisconsin   Academy   of   Trial   Lawyers                               ("WATL")   proposed
factoring   in   the   plaintiff's   contributory   negligence   when
determining  the  made  whole  number.     Steinmetz  conc.  at                5,  n.4.
WATL's  proposal,  referred  to  in  footnote                                  4,  is  consistent  with
Rimes   and   Garrity:   the   settlement   amount   plus   the   insurers'
payments  equals  the  total  amount  of  her  losses,  or  the  made
whole   number.                                                                Both   Justice   Steinmetz'   concurrence   and   the
opinion  in  Sorge  misinterpret  WATL's  position.     WATL's  amicus
brief  in  Sorge  did  not  advocate  a  proration  of  the  settlement
recovery  from  the  tortfeasors  between  plaintiff  Sorge  and  her
subrogated  insurers.     Rather,  WATL  merely  suggested  that  any
amounts  the  plaintiff  recovered  beyond  her  made  whole  number  be
divided  between  her  two  insurers.     Brief  of  Amicus  WATL  at          8,
Sorge  v.  National  Car  Rental  System,  Inc.,                               182  Wis.                                                      2d   52,   60
n.5,  512  N.W.2d  505  (1994).

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of  Appeals  formula,  they  would  recover  up  to  17.42  percent
of  its  total  lien.
However,  if  Rhinelander  does  a  somewhat  better  job  in
proving  Michael  Ives'  negligence,  and  the  trial  court  finds
Michael   Ives                                                               90   percent   negligent,   Rhinelander   recovers
only                                                                         10  percent  of  its  total  lien.     To  take  this  a  step
further,  if  Rhinelander  does  the  best  job  it  can  in  proving
Michael  Ives'  contributory  negligence,  and  the  trial  court
finds  Michael  Ives                                                         100  percent  negligent,  Rhinelander  gets
nothing,  just  as  it  would  have  if  Michael  Ives  had  not  been
made  whole.
Respondents'  brief,  at  12.
¶35   The  parties  before  the  court  acknowledge  the  uncertain
and   unworkable   status   of   the   current   law   on   subrogation
reimbursement.     They  seek  guidance  so  that  the  principles  of
earlier  decisions  may  be  properly  applied,  where  possible,  to
pre-trial   settlements.14                                                   Neither   party   seeks   a   trial   on
liability.15     At  oral  argument,  counsel  for  Rhinelander  and  the
Iveses   agreed   that   a   full   trial   on   liability   would   be
unworkable,  time-consuming,  expensive  and  contrary  to  judicial
¶36   To  respond  to  the  parties  before  us,  we  would  return
to  traditional  principles  of  subrogation.    We  give  the  doctrine
of   subrogation   a   liberal   application.                                                                                                                        D'Angelo   v.   Cornell
Paperboard  Products  Co.,                                                   19  Wis.                                                             2d   390,   402,   120  N.W.2d               70
(1963);  Perkins  v.  Worzala,  31  Wis.  2d  634,  639,  143  N.W.2d  516
(1966).  However,  subrogation  reimbursement  will  not  be  permitted
14                                                                           When  we  refer  to  a  settlement  by  the  parties  here,  we
refer  to  a  settlement  between  the  injured  plaintiff  and  all
remaining  tortfeasor  defendants.    In  this  concurrence,  we  do  not
address  a  settlement  with  fewer  than  all  of  the  defendants.
15                                                                           Nor  did  either  party  request  a  jury  to  hear  the  evidence
offered  at  the  post-settlement  subrogation  hearing.

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where  it  works  a  result  that  is  contrary  to  public  policy.
First  Nat.  Bank  of  Columbus  v.  Hansen,  84  Wis.  2d  422,  429,  267
N.W.2d                                                                          367                                                              (1978).   "Subrogation   is   based   on   equity   and   is
permitted  only  when  the  rights  of  those  seeking  subrogation  have
greater  equity  than  those  who  oppose  it."  84  Wis.  2d  at  429.    As
the  court  said  in  Cunningham  v.  Metropolitan  Life  Ins.  Co.,  121
Wis.                                                                            2d                                                               437,                                                           455,        360  N.W.2d   33     (1985),  we  are  not  ready  to
dispose  of  our  long  standing  doctrine  of  equitable  subrogation.
Here  we  would  reaffirm  the  equitable  principles  which  underlie
the  doctrine.16
¶37   The  made  whole  principle  has  been  characterized  as  the
primary   doctrine   developed   to   alleviate   the   harshness   of
subrogation.                                                                                                                                     Roger   M.   Baron,   Subrogation:   A   Pandora's   Box
Awaiting  Closure,                                                              41  S.  Dak.  L.  Rev.                                           237,                                                           238         (1996).       This
court  defined  made  whole  in  Rimes  by  saying  that  where  there  is
a  claim  for  either  equitable  or  conventional  subrogation,  the
insurer  will  not  share  in  the  recovery  from  the  tortfeasor  if
the  total  amount  recovered  by  the  insured  from  the  insurer  and
                                                                                the  wrongdoer  does  not  cover  his  or  her  entire  loss.                                                                   106  Wis.
2d  at                                                                          271.                                                             After  the  plaintiff  and  defendants  have  settled,
either   the   settling   plaintiff   or   the   subrogated   insurer   may
request  a  Rimes  hearing.    At  that  hearing  the  circuit  court  will
determine  whether  the  injured  plaintiff  has  been  made  whole,
16                                                                              The  made  whole  rule,  requiring  as  it  does  case-by-case
"satellite   litigation"   after   the   underlying   action   has   been
settled,  has  been  criticized  as  counterproductive  and  as  further
diminishing   the   funds   available   to   the   injured   insured   for
compensation.      Roger   M.   Baron,   Subrogation:   A   Pandora's   Box
Awaiting  Closure,  41  S.  Dak.  L.  Rev.  237,  251  (1996).

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that   is,   whether   the   injured   plaintiff   has   been   fully
compensated  for  the  loss  sustained.
¶38   We  believe  that  the  Sorge  court  failed  to  apply  this
formula,  in  part  because  the  parties  created  a  stipulated  record
that   did   not   contain   the   plaintiff's   total   damage   figure.17
Nonetheless,  the  Sorge  court  proceeded  to  rule  that  the  insurers
were  entitled  to  reimbursement  because  the  insured  had  "received
all  that  she  was  legally  entitled  to  receive,"  without  actually
calculating  her  total  damages.     We  would  now  vote  to  overrule
our  holding  in  Sorge.      By  doing  so,  we  would  preserve  the
17                                                                             It  is  appropriate  to  note  at  this  juncture,  as  even
counsel  for  the  Iveses  stated  at  oral  argument  here,  that  Sorge
was  a  "set-up"  case.     The  payments  made  by  the  insurers  were
quite  small,  and  represented  a  very  small  portion  of  plaintiff
Sorge's  total  damages,  based  on  her  ultimate  settlement  amount.
It  is  clear  that  the  parties,  including  the  amicus  in  that
case,  were  interested  in  a  rule  of  law  to  apply  to  future  cases.
Unfortunately,  at  the  time  Sorge  was  decided  this  court  did  not
envision   the   problems   we   now   face   in   determining   rights   to
subrogation  reimbursement.      The  Sorge  decision  represented  a
fundamental  change  from  our  long-standing  rule  in  Rimes,  and  in
our  view,  is  not  tenable.     Without  performing  the  made  whole
calculation   established   in   Rimes,   the   Sorge   court   erred   by
broadly  stating  that  a  contributorily  negligent  plaintiff  could
never  be  made  whole.

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requirement  for  a  made  whole  determination  before  a  subrogated
insurer  may  be  reimbursed.18
¶39   A    majority    of    jurisdictions    that    still    permit
reimbursement  to  a  subrogated  carrier  in  personal  injury  actions
adhere  to  the  made  whole  rule  of  Garrity  and  Rimes.19    See,  e.g.,
                                                                                                                                              Powell  v.  Blue  Cross  &  Blue  Shield,                                   581  So.                                          2d                   772,               777      (Ala.
                                                                                                                                              1990);  Marquez  v.  Prudential  Property  &  Cas.  Ins.  Co.,  620  P.2d
29,                                                                             32-33                                                         (Colo.                                                                      1980)(interpreting  statute  to  be  consistent
                                                                                                                                              with  insured-whole  rule);  Magsipoc  v.  Larsen,                                                                                                 639  So.           2d       1038,
1042  (Fla.  Dist.  Ct.  App.  1994);  Hardware  Dealers  Mut.  Fire  Ins.
Co.  v.  Ross,  262  N.E.2d  618,  621  (Ill.  App.  Ct.  1970);  Capps  v.
Klebs,                                                                          382   N.E.2d                                                  947,                                                                        951                                               (Ind.   Ct.   App.   1978)(construing
statute  as  intending  to  confer  right  of  subrogation  only  in
18                                                                              We  take  this  view  notwithstanding  our  recognition  of
appellate  decisions  that  a  statute  may  limit  or  preempt  the
common  law  made  whole  rule.      See,  e.g.,  Waukesha  County  v.
Johnson,                                                                        107   Wis.                                                    2d                                                                          155,                                              161-62,              320   N.W.2d       1        (Ct.   App.
1982)(reimbursement   formula   set   forth   in   Wis.   Stat.                 §  49.65
(1977)   rendered   inapplicable   co
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